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tv   CNN Tonight With Don Lemon  CNN  June 11, 2018 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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thank you very much. jim clapper, rick, and jennifer grant home thanks for being with us and helping us get through this. we'll be back with midnight eastern with a special live two-hour special of cuomo to continue. we have nonstop of the coverage that continues right now with don lemon, cnn tonight. don. thank you very much, chris. it's been surreal to watch that interview with dennis rodman and watch the two leaders, president trump and kim jong-un meet there. this is our breaking coverage now. the two presidents meeting face to face in singapore. thanks for joining us, i'm don lemon. this is the moment seen around the world here. a moment a lot of americans and allies never thought would come. the president of the united states shaking hands with the
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enriq north korean leader. that was a moment captured live on camera moments ago. later, president trump said this. >> i feel really great we're going to have a great discussion, i think tremendous success, i think tremendously successfully. it's an honor and we will have a terrific relationship, i have no doubt. >> right after that, kim jong-un going on to say this. >> translator: it has not been easy to come to this point, for us the pass has been holding us back. if all practices and prejudices have been covering our eyes and ears. we have been able to overcome everything to arrive here today. >> so, all of this is certainly one for the history books, but what's going on now could really make history. anderson cooper is in singapore for us, as long as with
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christian know man pour jeff zeleny and our global affairs analyst, joseph young. hello to all of you, it's daytime there where you are. so anderson, historic day in singapore, what do we know there? what was said there? >> we don't know much at this point what was said between the two leaders when they were alone with their interpreters. president trump is going to be making some sort of a statement, we believe, after is said and done. kim jong-un, as far as we know will not be making a public statement. as likely as you know don, president in recent -- last week was kind of reshaping this meeting as a meet and great plus. that's what it seems to have been, jim sciutto pointed out their one on one meeting was about 45 minutes or so, half that time taking up with interpretation. it's not that clear how much
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detail they got in. in meetings like this, joint communication is put out afterwards, basically summing up what took place and what the next steps are. that's going to be critical. they're going to have to be a nuer of different working groups on a number of different issues. and that's really where the hard work of accomplishing something from today is going to take place, don. >> and listen, the president has said anderson, he's going to do this by gut, by feel. he said he'd know right away, i would imagine. we don't know what happened in the meeting but it must have been gone pretty well so far. because, they are now still sitting down, still talking, because if he didn't think it was going to go well, i think the president indicated he would just leave initially after -- not long after that. >> it's difficult, as you know during even an interpretview an interpreter, it's a difficult thing to try to gauge somebody
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else or have a conversation with somebody when you have smaltuous transition on loathe sidboth si. whether the president is able to look into the eyes and soul of kim jong-un, that remains to be seen. we've heard all the presidents in the past say that ab other world leaders other than to find what their interpretation was, was not accurate. this is a regime that have a terrible human rights record. kim jong-un has done horrific things as his father and grandfather to large numbers of people in north korea, obviously labor camps, camps throughout the country. so, how much human rights was on the table or will be on the table moving forward, that's the question. really, it seems like denuclearizatiion has been the fain focus. again, the definition of what that actually means to the united states and what that
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means the north korea is very different. >> anderson, let's bring in some of the folks you have there with you, and i want to talk about this. president trump says the summit with kim jong-un is going very very well. the president says tuesday his hi summit with kim jong-un is going very very well. excellent relationship. he said, as he emerge from his one on one talk after 48 hours, the leaders were seen walking along that colony hotel followed by their translators. so, christian amanpour very very good the president says. excellent relationship. what do you make from that? >> well, i think it's a good thing. i think it's a really good thing if the president saying it's going very very well. we're obviously going to wait and see what actually the nuts and bolts and nitty-gritty is that they discussed. let's not forget a few months ago everyone thought the world was on a different trajectory.
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i think one has to pay a huge am of tribute to three people, the president of the south korea who insisted on the option. the fact that the u.s. administration allowed that diplomacy. the leader of north korea who seized the opportunity at a new year's speech to change the tone of what he wanted for his country and from the world using the south korea circle peace olympics to break out into this new international posture. this is the fruit of what we're seeing right now. we know quite clearly what both sides have sort of said around the parameters of what they want for the united states. it's a complete disarmament and destruction of nuclear capacity. we don't know and we don't think that will happen in any short order. we also know from secretary state, pompeo that they have mentaled to north korea that they'll give, quote, unprecedented new security
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guarantees. he added the only two people who could make thing happen would be the two people in the room, in other words, trump and kim. so, we know that. we know from kim that he wants to use his nuclear powers, which he actually has. he's not a nuclear power but a nucle nuclear powered state. he's now on a coming out party, if you'd like, as a leader. waver happens he'll go away with a huge victory. they want economic development but also security. what we don't know is the limbs to the denuclearizatiion and we don't know what they'll say about the u.s. military presence on the korean peninsula. i just would say they've already done things. they've suspended the nuclear test, the missile test and blown up the entrances to the nuclear
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test site and they have released those three u.s. hostages that they've kept for many years. they've done stuff that they said would not be done without any reciprocation from the u.s. >> of course the big question is, kplees disarmament and denuclearizatiion, what does that mean to the two gentlemen? jim sciutto i want to bring you in and take our viewers behind the scene. we're getting more information about baa the president said to kim jong-un. he said we will be successful, as they were sitting across that table. g across with pompeo and john kelly. the interpreter cold north korean leader kim jong-un, we will be successful. and i look forward to working on it with you, it will be done. jim schuitto, way in on that. >> well, that was part of the
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function of these face-to-face talks, is to build a relationship between the two, have them see each other face to face. the president has said now famously in the last 24 hour he'd know in the first minute whether that relationshi potential. it appears the president made that judgment and believes can have a working relationship with the north korean leader that is valuable with the point christian made. within the last few months it wasn't just talk of war, we reported earlier this year, there was internal discussions of military action by this president. that's just a few months ago. to have them across from the table that's substantial. that is the next step. it's complete verifiable, irreversible denuclearizatiion. the steps north korea has taken so far are all reversible.
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it can begin launching missile, testing nuclear devices again. it can begin other means of rattling -- what does it offer that is irreversible? is it willing to give up its missile material for example? iran did, 80% or so in the iran nuclear deal. is it willing truly to dismantle its nuclear systems? this will be the test that the relationship between these two leaders appears to have bill spl what face to face, that'll be the test. i tell you, don as they sit there now, the words of this joint statement are going to matter enormously. denuclearizatiion is it next to the word peninsula? does that mean u.s. is giving up something? what commitments, during what time frame is key? is it general? some day we hope too, in the next two years or five years or months, these are the words we're going to have to look forward to see if beyond the
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relationship the substance of this meeting is a success. >> yeah. anderson cooper, i understand jim acosta yelled a question to kim jong-un will be whether he'd get rid of his nukes, he didn't answer. they did get the question in. >> yeah, it was actually jeff zeleny, it was interesting just to hear kim jong-un speaking publicly to foreign reporters, something we rarely rarely have heard. >> and something he rarely has done. i think that is a sign, clearly briefed going into this, that was the possible that's going to happen, that u.s. reporters are going to shout questions at you. he seems fine with it. he's very astute in american culture. i was surprised looking at john at the table there. there's no one at the table who the korean regime has held so
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much hatred for than john bolten. i think this is the president's forceful way of showing he's on our team too. g to watch that dynamic going forward as we move on from singapore. i was struck by the president said working together, we'll get it taken care of. so, this is the president, different context, different topic, he sounds like he does on every other topic, from healthcare to texass. we'll get it done, we'll get it taken care of. the follow through i think is the biggest question. >> yeah. it's good to watch the president making eye contact with kim. explain who else on the north korean side is there in these talks. >> right. you have the foreign minister, his chief of staff. kim jong fong is also there. you also have the spy master who
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came to washington and new york. >> how how old you actually get -- >> i think there is a serious meeting. the reason why i say that, is in one on one, it's a friendly exchange. here, you have different agencies. you have obviously the foreign ministries. you have intel agencies. so, they're going to say, hey, you know, does he sound good to you? and you'll say, yeah it's okay but we have such and such issues. so, this is a place where you're seeking consensus, not only in your team but make sure the other team has equivalent consensus. >> having been in a number of these meetings, what can people at home who were watching actually expect to learn by the end of the day. will some sort of joint communication be put forward? >> if things go fine, i think there'll be a join decoration.
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joint communication they don't sign. joint decoration they'll sign together, thas a much higher form of communication, joint decoration, than joint communication. the worse would be joint press. or even below that, single press. not even joined. you say this we'll sigh this, you don't agree, well you say your own thing. that will be the worst. the best will be joint decoration. >> all right, don back to you. all right panel stand by. historic evening here in the united states. when we come back much more on our breaking news. president trump and kim jong-un meeting, making a history meeting face to face right now in singapore. plus an emotional dennis rod patten tells cnn he got death threats as he tried to help north korea over the years. >> i got so many death threats.
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i got so many death threats where i was sitting up protecting everything. and i believe in north korea. a. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. thnameo remember. i thought i was managing my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. but i realized something was missing... me. the thought of my symptoms returning was keeping me
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weapons? i want to bring in scott jennings. sk scott, i've got to ask you what do you think so far? >> it looks great for donald trump so far. he did what he promised the more than people he'd do, that's meeting at the table and getting north korea to give up their nuclear weapons. i think the president must be prepared for these people to lie to us because they've about lying tort world for a long time. right now from a appeal and political perspective, donald trump looks like he's in command of this situation, i suspect the american people are rooting for him to succeed. nobody wants to be in a nuclear war to anybody. good for the president tries to make peace with a guy that nobody previously tried to solve.
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>> max, actually surreal, former nba star dennis rodman. he was on with chris earlier tonight. watch this. >> obama didn't give me time of day. i asked him, i said, i have something to say from north korea. he just brushed me off. but that ain't deterred me.i ke back. i showed my loyalty and trustworthy to this country. and i said to everybody, i said, the door will open. when i wen back home i got so many death threats. i got so many death threats, i was sitting up protecting everything. and i believe in north korea. when i wen home, i couldn't even go home, i kcouldn't even go home. i had to hide out for 30 days. i couldn't even go home. but i kept my head up high, brother. i knew thing were going to change. i knew it. i was the only one, i never had no one to hear me or see . i took those bullets, i took all
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that, i took everything that came at me and i'm still standing. today is a great day for everybody. singapore, tokyo, china, everything, it's a great day. >> so, max a lot to unpack there. what's your reaction if. >> well, i think the rodman comments kind of add to the spectakle of the day. from the suspect of spectacle you'd have to say what happened is a success, that's why primarily kim and president trump are interested it. he has the entire attention of the world on him. i'm sure people are watching and riveted by what's going on and by den mis-rodman's comments. for kim jong-un this is already a victory, he wants recognition on the stage, he wants to be seen as equal by the president of the united states and he want to see nuclear power, and he's seeing all this.
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scott suggested it was a huge victory for dump simply to come to the summit, i beg to differ, any previous president could have easily had a summit with any leader of north korea because they've been legit mated by the presidentf the united states, and donald trump is the first one to agree to do that. the question is, is he going to receive something in substantial in return? at the end of april donald trump says he's going to judge the information on the sum on whether they'd give up theirnuc. i suppose we can always be pleasantly surprised. >> scott let's talk about what max just said do you think this gives kim legitimacy? >> well, sure. i think in the short term they're both operating from an area of legitimacy, that's okay for now. north korea do have to give up their nuclear weapons and better
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actors. the president has to be ready for them to lie this be ready for long-term. i think trump has gotten it right. i don't think hillary clinton would pulled it off had she won. i don't think obama tried to pull it off. they never drove the sanctions deep enough to drive kim to the table and never let kim believe the military option was truly on the table. i think trump did that on both fronts. you can sees legitimacy on the short-term -- >> that's the second part then, so what does the president get out of this? because complete denuke saig, it has been said they'd never give up their nuclear weapons, they might who knows. what does the president get in return? >> i tell you what he gets and what america gets is we get to stop banging our head against the wall on this problem.
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it feels like at least there's a light open, a door, a window is open for us to go through it and see what's on the other side. when trump ran for president, li it or not like it, he said i'm going to do foreign policy different than the way the political establishism has done it. if he manages to pull it off he he'll pull off what the political -- >> that's a huge. >> america for the short time we're not banging our head against the wall. >> that's a huge what if tha scott is throwing out there. let's remember how he and other republicans would be acting if this was hillary clinton or barack obama who would aee to a sit down with kim jong-un who could have not gotten anything in return. let's not get ahead of ourselves and claiming simply meeting with kim is simply something any president could have done.
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meeting with him is not an achievement, an achievement comes if he agree to complete denuclearizatiion. so far there's very little indication that he's going to do that. i do have to give president trump for his maximum pressure policy on north korea. i agree with scott there. increasing the sankings was a good move and it may have brought kim jong-un on to the table. if you look at what's happening in the last couple of months, president trump is succeeded he is not talking about the maximum policy anymore. we know china has de facto sanctions. kim jong up is already getting an award without having to denuclearize and that'she potential danger. >> the other administrations says they didn't want to do this. they could have but they didn't want to give pairry parity to regime. maybe in the short ter maybe sh so but lest see how it works out
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in the long-term. before you go, i want to talk about president trump in his meeting in canada. here's what you wrote in your latest column. you said in just the past few weeks, he, president trump has taken a giant step towards destroying the global system of the united states created in 1945678 there had been transatlantic spats before but none of the disputes called into fundamental unity in the way the that west trump's stupid acts do. that is a biding assessment max. >> well, this was just the fiasco of the g7 summit. the contrast is greater when we see the way donald trump is -- who is the enslaver of his people. kim is someone whose keeps thousands of his people in labor camps, he's talking about how
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great it is to meet him and how they're going to get along great. and justin trudeau, he's going to rot in hell, that is a striki striking contrast in the way that donald trump approaches dictators and democrats. we're not going to be successful in dealing with our problems whether it's north ina, russia, syria and so many others unless we have unity in our western alliance. donald trump is destroying that unity, waging trade war with our allies. let's remember how amazing this is, canada, one of our closest allies, a country that has fought with us for 100 years and donald trump is cassandra gaiting his prime minister. this is not something that should be happening. this is destructive with the american position in the world. this may ultimately turn out to be more significant than whatever happens here with kim jong-un, we'll see what happens. but the fact that donald trump is undermining the unity of the western alliance, which has been
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the prosperity since 1945. i think that's going to be a president donald trump meeting with kim jong-un. right now, what will it take for them to make a deal that would make the world safer? plus, before he went in before that summit, the president tweeting larry kudlow is in the hospital, his chief adviser, with a heart attack. we have more on how he's doing. disrupting business and taking on a life of its own. its multi-cloud complexity creating friction... and slowing innovation. with software-defined solutions, like hpe onesphere, you can tame the it monster. hewlett packard enterprise. clouds, apps, and insights faster.
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. we're back with our breaking news. there you see in singapore right
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now. both leaders meeting. president trump and kim jong unl meeting face to face right now in an expanded bilateral meeting with top advisers. larry kudlow has suffered a heart attack and in the hospital. larry kudlow just returned to the u.s. from the g7 summit. he was on cnn yesterday, ryan and tonight you have a statement from the white house. what does it say? >> rorter: yeah they were. we're learning about his prognosis, it appears to be very good at this point. a lot of people not sure exactly what sort of condition he was in after that tweet from the president. we're learning more with this statement that came in from sarah sanders. it reads, quote, earlier today national economic counselor larry kudlow experienced what his doctor says was a very mild
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heart attack. his doctors expect he'll make a full and speedy recovery. kudlow one of the president's closest advisors. he's been on the job sin march. someone thought to have a great relationship with trump. he was one of the people set out to send the president's message to the public about what took place at summit g7. this is something the president thinking about during this meeting with kim jong-un. we're told tonight, don, larry kudlow expected to make a full recovery. >> ryan. thank you very much. we'll get back to you as soon as we get more on that information. back to singapore where the historic summit between president trump and north korean yan leader kim jong-un is underway as we speak. back with the panel. anderson, we saw president trump and kim jong-un meet face to
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face. the big we is, when will we find out if they have some sort of deal? >> we expect statements from president trump and some other decorations or communication or some other jointtatement about what if anything came out of this meeting and what comes next. that's really the big question right now that we don't havehe answer to. jeff, the critical question is, what are the next steps? no matter what happened in the face to face between president trump and kim jong-un, they didn't get into the level of detail that they're going to need to, to at least get into the serious verification issues which secretary pompeo has raised. >> the question here today it's more than a photo op. this is an extraordinary moment that these leaders are here. it's probably the easy part, president trump is good at this. kim jong-un seems to be reveling in the moment.
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look at those photos there in front of the flags. at this point the president is going to hand out the details to secretary of state mike pompeo. that statement you mentioned will be key. one word he said over and over is verify. how will this be verified? going home and going forward here, that is the question. also, i have a question, is this enough toite kim jong-un back to the united states? or to the united states? president said in the rose garden last week he'd like to have him in the u.s. if thing go well. will that happen? >> that will certainly be fascinating. >> and president trump to pyongyang can you imagine what that will be like? >> what are they looking for? >> immediately north korean want sanctions relief as soon as possible. >> which they're already starting to see some from china and russia. >> yeah. they basically told kim jong-un they have his back no matter how things go here in singapore.
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they can count on china and russia feeling sincere here. united states is a bit of a harder sell. there are a lot of questions about how authentic the explosions and everything we witnessed were in terminates of the permanenthut down at that site. whatever deal they have toet inspectors inside the country in access is so limited. that's going to be a big ask, that's one question i have. in the short-term, sanctions relief and beginning the process of normalizing relations. north korean would love to have a u.s. embassy in peeng yang. north korea has so many commodities that are untapped as of now, tinfrastructure project,
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the agriculture product. there are literally trillions of dollars to be made in north korea if they open up. >> if i kind of opening up comes with real dangers are kim jong-un whose primary goal is to remain in power. >> that's the trick. it seems its citizens isolated from the world in terms of internet access, anything they can read is controlled. and when you have a population, the more the people have the more they expect in terms of they're liberties and whatnot, freedom of movement. in north korea, travels are restricted inside the country. people have more money and more means, where is that going to lead north korea? i've spoken with some people who said the change is already happening. north koreans are already starting to think differently about the life and world. if kim jong-un can improve their living standards they'll be loyal to him -- just like in china where people accept a one aauthor tafr state.
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if he can do something similar in his country, i think a lot of people will happily still continue to stand behind him. >> the sanctions will be controversial in washington, congress will get involved, this is probably not something that'll be done during one presidential administration. this is a long-term -- but what's been started here today is extraordinary. >> don back to you. >> will, if i can ask you a question, you've been the correspondent whose been covering this story, one of the only western correspondent whose been on the ground there for years now. i'm wondering how this moment feel for you? i hate to keep using this word surreal, but you sitting there, if this feels different? >> yeat was so many times last year where it felt hopeless. you'd hear and see the things donald trump was saying. and the missile launches and nuclear tests kept happening. north koreans weredefiant, they
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said there were absolutely no way they'd be willing to give up their nuclear weapons. so, ild sit in peeng yang, i had a meeting at the ministry foreign affairs and i sat across one officials and said, look, i don't want to be a war reporter,i'd rather cover the opportunity that is can happen here. they were talking about detonating a nuclear device above grown. i said, do you really believe you can get away a above the ground nuclear and that go across great with the united states, and they said you should take our word literally. it's truly extraordinary and you have to give credit to president trump and miscampaign. but also to kim jong-un and president moon in south korean. he's the middle man, he's kept the u.s. engaging and kim engaging. and, you know he's obviously not
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apart of the mix here in singapore but he's been a major factor in bringing this about. the olympics were the reopening of the hot line, now here we are in singapore seeing something i've never expected to see. a handshake and walk and stroll with president trump and kim jong-un. >> yeah, it's great to sit here in the united states and watch you guys, you, jeff and anderson there. you're not in the korean peninsula but it's face fighting to watch you guys. when we come back president trump and kim jong-un face to face tonight. some of our top intelligence experts will weigh in on what that i have seen so far. do not mistake serenity for weakness. do not misjudge quiet tranquility for the power of 335 turbo-charged horses. the lincoln mkx,
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breaking news right now, the historic peting in singapore. president trump and kim on-jong un meeting in sin baa pore.
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can they quince kconvince kim t give up his nuclear weapons? cnn counter terrorism elliot mud, and -- wisdom everything. admiral kirby i want to give you there. we're getting information coming out of this meeting right now. this is from kim jong-un, this is through an interpreter. it says, of course there are challenges ahead, but i am ready or willing. it's not clear if he said ready or willing, he could have said either one, to do this. and that's what kim jong-un said during that extended bilateral meeting. what do you think of that, admiral? >> hopeful. i'm optimistic like a lot of people that this can lead to some success here. look, this is something north koreans have said before,
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recently as 2005, kim's father says very much the same kind of things coming out of that urther advanced their l apart. nuclear weapons program. i'm hopeful about this but i think we all need to be clear eyed about what can be done on what kind of time scale. >> john, this is for you. this is during the walk along the policy. kim jong-un to president trump as conveyed by the translator, here's the quote, many people -- he's talking to president trump -- many people in the world will think of this as -- and it's un audible. form of fantasy from a science fiction movie. john? >> you know, i find that reference to a science fiction movie so fascinating because this is kim jong-un, who is the son of a film buff and an actress. his wife is an entertainer and
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his sister is a propaganda. he's talking to a reality t.v. star, turned u.s. president. i think it's such an appropriate way to craft that kind of statement to president trump. so, as aal kirby said, i think a lot of people are optimistic but we have to take all of this with a grain of salt and remember that kim juong-un n many ways are like his father and north korea does have a way of using charm offensive to try to reduce tensions. >> so, phil, what we're getting from inside the meetings, it's un audible or unclear and imagine with interpreters in the room, right. that i have met for 48 minutes. president kim was in a room alone only with interpreters, there is some danger in that. >> there is sort of. i mean the president's going to walk out of, as he's walked out
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of other meetings with a story about what happened. i suspect there's going to be some element of fiction and moderate of facts. the point player here is presidtrump, i don't believe that, i think the point player here is the president of state. he knows the details of what to expect out of conversations. it's not whether somebody walks out of the room saying we have a deal, the issue is on implement takings, how do you access facilities, how do you get access to documentation, really nitty-gritty detail. what if you find that north korea has a facility they declared and they don't want to significantly, don? the president is not going to deal with that, the secretary of state will. when they walk out and saying this great, i'm not an opt mississippi i'm a realist. maybe at the end of trump nistration in a couple years
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we'll have a picture of whether this is going to work. we will not know within that day or two of whether we'll have an optimistic picture of future, no way. >> it's interesting, mike pompeo who led the outreach of the c irk a director traveled twice with sessions of talks. the most robust stakes between the united states and north korea. is he going to make a friend out of kim jong-un after making foes out of our allies at the summit. we'll discuss that right after the break.
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our breaking news tonight at this moment, president trump and kim jong un are meeting in
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singe. what does this mean for u.s. allies? with me john kirby, phil mud and jean pac. we saw a war of words between president trump and our key allies. do you think these countries will still be willing top keep a potential deal here together? >> i do. if you look at what happened the weekend, this was an abomination from american perspective. can you have a difference of opinion with an al lie but these are allies who contributed men and women who died with us. you walk out and embarrass them oaf a statement you saw on air force i. that's not acceptable don. that said we're going into a circumstance in north korea that could potentially change not only what's happening in the korean peninsula but nonproliferation around the world. this is an historic opportunity. i think security professionals like me look at the comical performance of the president of the united states and canada and
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say let's step back, let's discount that for a moment and whether you're in canada, germany, france, the u.k., if there's an opportunity to take a step forward from where we were when the president of the unite korean leader at the u.n. as little rocket man, let's discount the embarrassment of the president in canada and move forward. that's what i'd say and i suspect that's what our allies would say. >> how essential or china, japan to any u.s. agreement? >> the support of our allies are critically important. whether we put maximum pressure or maximum engagement with kim jong un, it's important we're in complete lockstep with our allies. china, as your viewers know, have 90% of north korea's trade. south korea obviously is very much interested in economic engagement and peace on the korean peninsula and japan also is in the line of fire from
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north korea's ballistic missile threat. it's critically important for the tous make sure our allies are all on board. it seems like the trump administration is doing its part to try to at least maintain some element of coordination with our allies. >> having said that, add mir ki -- admiral kirby, what happens if our allies aren't on board. >> it's going to be a hard deal to get. today this is a bilateral discussion between the united states and north korea. this is exactly what kim hasn't wanted for his legitimacy and the world theater it provides him. but tomorrow, don, it becomes multi-lateral. our allies all have interest in the outcome here and they're not all the same interests, by the way. but you have china and russia who are not our allies who will be very interested in getting a
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back brief from kim jong un, and making sure their interests were or are in the future are properly represented. it's going to get complicated very fast. >> thank you very much. back to singapore right after this break. i thought i was managing my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. but i realized something was missing... me. the thought of my symptoms returning was keeping me from being there for the people and things i love most. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira can help get, and keep,uc under control when other medications haven't worked well enough. and it helps people achieve control that lasts so you could experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where ceain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores.
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8:00 pm
we're live with breaking news tonight. president trump, kim jong un meeting face to face in singapore. also at the table, secretary of state mike pompeo, chief of staff john kelly and national security adviser john bolton. we're learning during that expanded bilateral, kim jong un said "of course there are challenges ahead but i am ready -- or willing, it's unclear which word he used -- to do this." this is the moment seen around the world right here. the president of the united states shaking hands with the leader of north korea. moments later president trump saying


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